For several years now, the world has been undergoing an upheaval with the development of global warming. Today, a more sustainable approach that respects the environment is essential in order to meet the global challenges that motivate a commitment to sustainable development. Faced with the challenge of reducing energy consumption and combating global warming, Fonroche Lighting is taking action.



Today, corporate stakeholders are according increasing importance to social and environmental issues. This is why Corporate Social Responsibility is becoming a cornerstone of global industry.

At Fonroche Lighting, CSR is an integral part of our DNA and our intern policy. To achieve this, we act on several levels.

Reducing energy consumption and combating climate change…

Through our commitment to developing ecological and autonomous solutions that are 100% powered by renewable energy. 

Equal opportunities to promote inclusion and confidence. 

  • More than 30% of our employees are women of which 23% are in senior management positions (2023).

  • 20 different nationalities.

  • 63% of employees have undergone training in 2022

  • A young company with an average age of 33, which encourages the recruitment of young employees.


Identifying and preventing risks to protect the health and safety of our teams.

The Street, our new head office promotes exchanges and well-being at work, thanks to its modern, colorful and dynamic spaces (ergonomic offices, sports equipment…).

Preventive measures and risks assessment are in place to guarantee the safety of our employees.

Stepping up anti-corruption measures to raise awareness among our teams and preserve our integrity.

A code of conduct, an ethics charter and whistleblower protection form an integral part of our way of life. To combat corruption and promote our integrity, compliance training has been introduced and our partners and suppliers are required to set an example.

Supporting local businesses.

As a commited member of our community, we are passionate about supporting local job opportunities. We work with a number of local schools, which allowed us to take on around twenty interns and work-study students in 2023.

Supporting short distribution channels and responsible purchasing. 

We actively support the local economy by choosing suppliers and producers who are close to our site and who are transparent about the stages in the supply chain.

Since March 2022, 99% of our suppliers have been ISO 9001 certified 56% are ISO 14001.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Our new head office meets the latest safety and environmental management standards, with a 100% solar-powered exterior, reinforced insulation and a photovoltaic roof that covers 70% of our electricity need.

The scale of our activities, our efforts to raise employee awareness and the investments we have made mean that we consume almost 10 times less electricity than the national average.


In order to move towards a fairer society, in 2015 the United Nations devised the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of the 2030 Agenda. Adopted by 193 countries, the SDGs are an universal program which aim to transform our world by ensuring its ecological and inclusive transition by 2030. These goals aim to eradicate poverty, reduce inequalities, establish more responsible and sustainable consumption, combat climate change, etc….

Fonroche Lighting is committed to these objectives every day. By developing sustainable actions and solutions, we are now able to respond directly to 9 sustainable development objectives and work indirectly on 2 others.

Contribute to the elimination of poverty

Eradicating poverty in all its forms remains one of humanity’s greatest battles. By producing efficient, self-sufficient lighting, we can indirectly contribute to the economic, social and sustainable development of developing countries. Light is an inexhaustible source of growth.  

Contributing to the development of quality education

Indirectly, Fonroche Lighting contributes to the development of quality education throughout the world. By installing solar street lighting in isolated locations, we enable people and children in developing countries to continue their education. Every day, we provide lighting to 20,000 new people throughout the world. 

Living in an egalitarian world

Gender equality is a norm for us. All the positions we offer are open to both men and women. Similarly, since the company was founded, three women have joined the Executive Commitee, two of whom are in the top 10 in terms of remunerations. 

Developing ecological and affordable solutions

Our products are 100% solar-powered. This avoids the use of non-renewable energy sources and eliminates electricity costs, thereby reducing environmental impact and energy costs. 

Contribute to economic growth and decent working conditions

In 2023, Fonroche Lighting created 70 new jobs worldwide. The acquisition of NoWatt that same year also enabled us to expand our activities and product ranges. Committed to respecting human rights, our ethics charter prohibits us from doing business with companies that do not respect fundamental rights, such as human trafficking, slavery or child labour.

Promotive innovative projects

As the bearers of an innovative solution, we use our capacity for innovation to find solutions to reduce our environmental impact. To guarantee the power and autonomy of our products, we have developed our own storage and intelligent energy management system. Our Power 365 technology uses NiMh batteries, which have a 99% recyclability rate  - the highest in the world.

Contributing to the development of sustainable cities

Our solar street lamps are a real alternative to traditional network lighting. As they require no connection, our solution gives remote areas access to light. Our range of solar-powered lighting is part of a drive to develop "smart cities". Our solar lighting range is part of an approach to developing "smart cities". Making busy areas safer, lighting living spaces to increase social activity at night, or enabling shops to extend their opening hours after dark all help to improve the quality of life of local residents.

Being part of responsible consumption and production

We have identified that the main greenhouse gas emissions are due to the manufacturing phase of the battery and the photovoltaic panel. However, the contribution of the solar streetlight to CO2 emissions is 17.78g CO2 eq/ kWh. In 2020, CO2 emissions per kWh produced in France by grid lighting were 40.54g CO2 eq/kWh. Irrespective of the manufacturing stage, this shows a 56% reduction in emissions for a solar streetlight compared with a streetlight connected to the electricity grid.

Supporting the fight against climate change

By encouraging major urban players and countries to use solar energy to light their infrastructures, we are playing an active part in the fight against climate change. Using green energy, solar street lighting significantly reduces carbon emissions, helping to slow global warming.

Supporting a fair business world

In order to work in a fairer world, we train all our employees in the fight against corruption and have introduced a charter to protect whistleblowers. Our legal department, working with our teams in the field, also ensures that all our partners are ethical.

Consolidate international exchanges and partnerships

Fonroche Lighting operates throughout the world by developing partnerships and projects on every continent. Promoting international trade is an integral part of achieving a universal trading system based on fair and equitable rules.